Do I Own a Shitcoin?

A Shitty Thank You... has been a crazy couple of days for (DIOAS?). Who would’ve thought?!
What started as a fun project for two friends, unexpectedly resulted in massive engagement from the community. We are honored and humbled by the reaction. We literally looked at each other and said, “What the f***?!” Then had a drink (whisky, that’s our shit).
In the first 24 hours of going live we received well over 40,000 unique, engaging visitors and received a bunch of feedback about why people enjoy using DIOAS and what they think this can turn in to.
What we learned is that users loved the responses, but put more weight in them than we ever imagined. After some thought, we want to make the responses more meaningful, based on more data (but you better believe we’re keeping this brutal, we’re not f****ing around).
We’ll also be sending out a newsletter from time to time. This will be surprisingly informative (yet still funny!), and we are sure that you won’t find anything else like it.
As far as metrics and features go, let us know if you have any cool thoughts. We’re thinking about creating a dashboard for each coin, and a ‘shittiness’ algo to rank projects.
Enough babbling for now...we’re pretty shitty writers anyway.
Follow us on Twitter @doiownashitcoin to engage with us and talk some shit.
Chat soon...
Oh! Real may be wondering who made this. Well...look up Mike Rosenblat (@CryptyMike) and Aaron Pardes (@aaronpardes)’ll find us...we’ve been in the crypto world for a while.
Signing off for real now - chat soon!
- Mike and Aaron